About the 100 Club

Established in 2012, the 100 Club in the Heart of Texas is a citizen-based, non-profit organization that raises funds to help pay funeral expenses, relieve mortgage or other debt, and cover educational expenses for the family of first responders killed in the line of duty. The Club receives no government support, is non-political, and is entirely volunteer-driven.
Surviving spouses and dependents of all paid, certified federal, state, and local law enforcement officers, firefighters, jailers and emergency medical responders working in McLennan County may receive benefits from the club.
The 100 Club of Heart of Texas is part of a network of 100 Clubs established by citizens across the country to support our public servants. The idea of the 100 Club began in Detroit, Michigan in 1952 after a local businessman was moved to action when a police officer was killed in the line of duty. The businessman wrote to 100 of his friends encouraging them to donate to a fund for the fallen officer´s family to get them through this emotionally and financially trying time.
The response was 100 percent.
100 Club Scholarship to MCC- The Cub is pleased to announce we are offering the Club's first MCC academic scholarship to
Charli Turner who is the daughter of Kelli Turner, a Correctional Officer at Jack Harwell Detention Center.
The Board will meet Charli and make the presentation at an upcoming Board meeting.
Thank you to our table sponsors, benefit sponsors, and all who gave gifts/donations. Those attending our 5th Annual Benefit had fun, good food and friends to celebrate and appreciate the brave men and women first responders who keep us safe. Thank you for making this signature event a success.
Surviving spouses and dependents of all paid, certified federal, state, and local law enforcement officers, firefighters, jailers and emergency medical responders working in McLennan County may receive benefits from the club.
The 100 Club of Heart of Texas is part of a network of 100 Clubs established by citizens across the country to support our public servants. The idea of the 100 Club began in Detroit, Michigan in 1952 after a local businessman was moved to action when a police officer was killed in the line of duty. The businessman wrote to 100 of his friends encouraging them to donate to a fund for the fallen officer´s family to get them through this emotionally and financially trying time.
The response was 100 percent.
100 Club Scholarship to MCC- The Cub is pleased to announce we are offering the Club's first MCC academic scholarship to
Charli Turner who is the daughter of Kelli Turner, a Correctional Officer at Jack Harwell Detention Center.
The Board will meet Charli and make the presentation at an upcoming Board meeting.
Thank you to our table sponsors, benefit sponsors, and all who gave gifts/donations. Those attending our 5th Annual Benefit had fun, good food and friends to celebrate and appreciate the brave men and women first responders who keep us safe. Thank you for making this signature event a success.

Thank you to all of our Sponsors for supporting our
2022 Annual First Responders Fundraising Banquet
It was a HUGE Success and we are already planning next years!
We Hope to see you in 2023
Information will be coming out early so call to reserve your table and
ask how you can become an Event Sponsor!
2022 Annual First Responders Fundraising Banquet
It was a HUGE Success and we are already planning next years!
We Hope to see you in 2023
Information will be coming out early so call to reserve your table and
ask how you can become an Event Sponsor!
100 Club of Heart of Texas P.O. Box 21990, Waco, TX, 76702-1990 (254) 457 1681